Children at the Well

Our History and Mission


Thanks for our start, NSN! The proposal for Children at the Well received the Brimstone Award for Applied Storytelling from the National Storytelling Network in 2006. This award focuses on the transformational properties of storytelling and aims to increase understanding of the ways that storytelling can promote change in individuals and communities.

The award enabled Gert Johnson and Paula Weiss, with support from the newly formed non-profit, now known as WithOurVoice, Inc., to launch Children at the Well to involve youth in learning the art of storytelling to:

  • Deepen their knowledge and understanding of their own tradition and that of others
  • Develop public speaking and leadership skills
  • Promote peace and understanding among all 

In summer 2020, Children at the Well collaborated with Nicolette Nordin Heavey of Stories in the Streets to produce the online FLY! program, sponsored by Northeast Storytelling. In 2022, Children at the Well was almost entirely conducted through Zoom, producing enormously enthusiastic and capable storytellers who presented their first live performance at the September 2022 Carrot Festival to much acclaim!

2025 will be Children at the Well’s twentieth year of bringing young people together through the art of storytelling! 


Our mission is to increase capacity for intercultural understanding, build diverse community connections and grow compassionate leaders, through the art of storytelling.


We envision a world where human connectedness is sought and celebrated by lifting up cultural and individual identity and voice, resulting in a deeper understanding and appreciation of ourselves, others, and the world around us.


We value THE HEALING POWER OF STORY to create a more vibrant interconnected and peaceful world. The heart-to-heart process of storytelling and story listening fosters an appreciation for human experience and builds community.

We value FULL PARTICIPATION as an inclusive approach that seeks out and considers diverse perspectives, recognizes participants as whole people, and invites individuals to contribute meaningfully.

We value RESPECT. We set ground rules. Our teaching methods involve a light, positive approach rather than constructive criticism.

We value PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT. We create a supportive community and inspire our participants to be confident in the long term.

We value AUTHENTICITY. Storytellers should feel comfortable and safe so that they can always show up as their authentic selves.